OPTICHEM is at the forefront of providing value-added performance chemicals to leading growth industries around the world.
Sustainability Statement
Optichem recognizes that sustainability practices provide benefits to the organization as well as its customers and the communities in which we serve. Optichem aspires to be a leader in corporate sustainability. We are committed to the journey — as a business partner, an employer, a community member, an environmental steward and a value creator for shareholders. Our company devotes itself to the principles of sustainability and consider the care and protection of the environment to be an important component of doing business.
At Optichem, sustainability is the way we manage and operate our business to best serve our customers, care for the environment, secure profits and drive long-term prosperity. Sustainability is a business method that ensures safety, efficiency and responsibility in a manner that protects Optichem employees, communities, shareholders and the environment, now and in the future.
Our daily operations align business performance with a commitment to environment, society and community encompassing following elements:
- Continue to implement practices that preserve and promote efficient use and conservation of resources such as energy and water.
- Opportunities to reduce waste and increase recycling opportunities.
- Provide education to our employees to help them understand the principles of sustainability and the environmental effects of our products and services.
- Alternative to solvent borne acrylic resin, low VOC dispersion, exploration of renewable, bio-based alternatives raw materials which helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the carbon footprint of acrylic dispersion production.
- Transport goods in a manner that minimizes community and environmental impacts.
- Communicate regularly with customers, employees and external stakeholders on sustainability issues, goals and efforts.
- Provide opportunities to customers, suppliers, employees and communities to actively participate in sustainability programs.
- Increase transparency and disclosure of our sustainability performance through sustainability disclosures.
- Collaborate with customers and communities to grow sustainably, considering social, economic and environmental effects.
- Build innovative infrastructure to support operations and minimize resource use.